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주후 2021.10.7 오늘 아침 기도문♡ 시편86편 시편87편 [하워드 스나이더의 기도 - 10월7일 목요일] 오 하나님, 복되신 삼위일체시여, 님을 경배하며, [내 생명이 그리스도에게 감춰져 있다는 사실!] 에 님을 찬양드립니다. 이 날 내가 님을 기쁘게 하고, '당신의 은혜에 대한 증인!' 이 되기를 원합니다. 예수의 성령님이시여, 오늘 나의 생명 가운데서 역사하십시오. 나를 보호해 주시고 지켜주시며, 예수님의 긍휼히 여기는 눈길을 나에게 주시기를 기도합니다. 아멘. * * * 주는 나의 은신처시오니 .. 환난에서 나를 보호하시고, 구원의 노래로 나를 두루시리이다. ---- 시편 32:7 Thursday Prayer: O God, blessed Trinity, I worship you and praise you that my life i.. 2021. 10. 7.
2021.2.16 Howard Snyder's prayer Tuesday Prayer: Lord Jesus, in whom all things visible and invisible cohere, I bow in awe and reverence before you at the beginning of this day of rest. O Savior, worthy of all praise and honor, bend to listen and lift me today as I lay my life before you and rest in your peace. Praise be to you, Lord Christ! Amen. * * * [Jesus Christ] is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all crea.. 2021. 2. 16.
2021.02.15 Howard Snyder's prayer Monday Prayer: Lord God, loving Savior, I rejoice today in your wonderful grace. As I begin this day surrounded by the “great cloud of witnesses” in heaven and on earth, give me a lively sense of running the race before the immense audience of your saints and martyrs who have gone before. Keep me strong and faithful in the race today, I pray. Amen. * * * Whom have I in heaven but you? And there .. 2021. 2. 15.
2021.02.14 Howard Snyder's prayer Sunday Prayer: Gracious, clever, long-seeing God — I worship you with all my being. Glory be to you, Lord Most High. I set you before me and all else behind me just now, willing to serve you this day in the energy of your Spirit. Lord, give me more and more of a passion for your purposes, I pray. Amen. * * * Your throne, O God, endures for ever and ever. Your royal sceptre is a sceptre of equity.. 2021. 2. 14.